Vocational Education and Training (VET) - RTO 30433
Vocational Education and Training
(VET) enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and
specific skills to help them in the workplace.
Student achievement in
accredited vocational education qualifications is based on industry-endorsed
competency standards and is recorded on the Senior Statement. The Senior Statement
is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and this
may give advanced standing towards a traineeship or apprenticeship and/or
credit on entry to courses at TAFE Institutes and other registered training
VET Qualifications contribute
to the Queensland Certificate of Education if the required standard is reached.
Sarina State High School offers the following VET subjects to students
in Year 10, 11 and 12:
- ACM10121 - Certificate I in Animal Care Industry Pathways
- AHC10222 - Certificate I in Agriculture
- AHC20122 - Certificate II in Agriculture
- CHC24015 - Certificate II in Active Volunteering
- FSK20119 - Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- ICT20120 - Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
- MSM10216 - Certificate I in Manufacturing (Pathways)
- MSM20422 – Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- FNS20120 - Certificate II in Financial Services
Delivery of these certificates will be dependent of the approval status of
Sarina State High School Scope of Registration.

All students are provided with a VET Student Information Handbook
on enrolment in a VET course.
Download the 2025 Senior Course Guide (PDF).
Further details about each Course is contained in the Senior Course
Download VET Student Handbook 2025 (PDF).
partnership with external RTOs, Sarina State High School is able to offer the
following VET Certificates:
- AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (Delivered in collaboration with Mackay Engineering College and Axial Training RTO 2437 https://www.axial.edu.au)
- AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) (Delivered in collaboration with Basair Australia Pty Ltd RTO Number 1327 https://basair.com.au)
- BSB30120 Certificate III in Business + SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism (Delivered in collaboration with Binnacle Training RTO Number 31319 https://www.binnacletraining.com.au)
- HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services (Delivered in collaboration with Connect 'n' Grow RTO Number 40518 https://connectngrow.edu.au)
- MAR20321 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal) (Delivered in collaboration with Whitsunday Maritime Training Centre RTO Number 6028 https://maritimetrainingcentre.com.au)
- MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (Delivered in collaboration with Mackay Engineering College and Axial Training RTO 2437 https://www.axial.edu.au)
- SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness + SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (Delivered in collaboration with Binnacle Training RTO Number 31319 https://www.binnacletraining.com.au)
- SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality (Delivered in collaboration with Blueprint Career Development RTO Number 30978 https://www.blueprintcd.com.au)
- UEE22020 Certificate II in Electro-technology Career Start (Delivered in collaboration with Mackay Engineering College and Major Training RTO Number 6139 https://major.com.au)
- 22471VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults/22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults/22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults (Delivered in collaboration with Vocational Training Queensland RTO Number 45576 https://vtq.edu.au)

Unique Student Identifier
The USI (Unique Student Identifier) was introduced nationally on 1
January 2015 for all students studying VET qualifications. The school is
not permitted to issue Statements of Attainment or Certificates unless students
have a USI recorded with Sarina State High School. After students obtain
a USI, they must provide the Head of Senior Secondary with the USI
Details about obtaining and reporting a USI to the school is outlined in
the following documents.
Download Fact Sheet - USI - Student Information (PDF, 284KB)
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Sarina State High School has a Complaints and Appeals Policy that
applies to all students studying a VET course.
Sarina State High School Complaints and Appeals Policy (PDF)
School based apprenticeships and trainees (SATS)
School based apprenticeships and traineeships combine school, work and
on-the-job training giving a student the opportunity to earn while they learn. SATS
are an optional pathway option for students in Senior Secondary.
Benefits of a
School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Earn while you learn
Contribute credit
points toward the Queensland Certificate Education (QCE)
Gain a nationally
endorsed qualification
Receive practical on
the job training
Improve confidence and
communication skills
Choose the right
apprenticeship or traineeship.
Find an employer and
organise work experience, this will give the student time to know if the
position is the right one.
Contact the school SAT
Co-ordinator who will guide you, your child and the employer through the
sign-up and relevant paper-work required to get started.
How can we
The Senior Secondary Department is available to assist the student with
updating their resume and work experience requirements. We also provide support
to the student throughout the school based apprenticeship or